
Baby Growth Report: EBS Special Documentary

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  • Area: Parent Education Book
  • Author: EBS Baby Growth Report Production Team
  • Composition: 296 pages 165 * 224 mm
  • Publisher: Wisdom House
  • Shipping: Free shipping for 2 or more books

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prologe baby, that amazing creature

Chapter 1 The first step towards the world
Babies feel and react from the womb
Discovering a baby's survival instinct in reflex behavior
Touch builds your baby's brain
Babies learn about the world with their whole body
As babies learn about the world, they become aware of themselves.

Chapter 2 The birth of Baby Einstein
Babies are born to be scientists
The Amazing Abilities of Baby Scientists
Nutrients and experiences that enhance learning ability
Raise it as Baby Einstein

Chapter 3 The best gift from mother, attachment
Babies are born with an attachment system
The key to baby growth: touch
The quality of attachment is different for everyone
Insecure attachment brought about by mother
A stable relationship with one's mother becomes the prototype of human relationships.
Secure attachment leads to brain development
There is no such thing as permanent insecure attachment.

Chapter 4 The surprising secret of language acquisition
Babies communicate in their own unique language
A baby's language acquisition begins in the womb.
Babies are born with different language abilities than adults
A baby's language development is completed through experience.
If you want to raise a child who speaks well, be your baby's conversation partner.

Chapter 5 Keywords of happy parenting, temperament
Knowing your temperament makes parenting easier.
Genes control temperament
Personality is a combination of temperament and upbringing.
Understanding your child’s temperament is the best parenting method.

Appendix_Baby growth diary
Development status by age group_Sensory, motor, cognitive, language, behavioral, and social development
Changes in habits and emotions by month
Toys and games by age
Recommended picture books
Checklist of your child’s growth and development at a glance

publisher book review

Customized parenting methods for each stage of growth from 0 to 3 years old & wise and happy parenting
It starts with understanding the abilities your baby has.
Scientific analysis of baby growth, including ‘brain, language, psychology, and behavioral development’
Through this, we find a solution to raise our babies smarter and happier!

This book is a compilation of the EBS special documentary <Baby Growth Report>. This documentary is the first science documentary in Korea to focus on baby growth, and was evaluated as opening a new horizon for Korean TV documentaries with an explosive response from viewers after it was broadcast. He has won dozens of awards. We closely covered the mysterious process of baby growth and analyzed in detail the secrets hidden in baby growth. In order to share the numerous information and contents introduced in the documentary with more people, we added valuable information and stories that were not included in the broadcast as well as the broadcast content. Therefore, more complete content was included.

“He senses his mother’s scent as soon as he is born, and has a wonderful sense of hearing and feeling from the womb!
An explorer who actively explores an unfamiliar world using sounds and movements that only he knows!
The owner of an amazing language acquisition that can even distinguish phonemes of foreign languages!
Baby Einstein is born with an innate learning ability, understanding cause and effect, addition and subtraction, and the concept of gravity!
“She is the owner of rational leadership who not only builds a positive attachment with her mother by showing affection through her own signals, but also creates smooth interpersonal relationships based on this!”

Where do their amazing abilities, which are only possible as babies, come from? For parents who have given birth to a baby, the small reactions and gestures that the child shows, such as the baby's birth, first babbling, eye contact, and first steps, are in themselves a miracle and mystery. There are scientific secrets hidden in all of these baby behaviors and growth processes. This means that babies are born with the major abilities needed to survive in the world and are programmed to interact with their parents.
So, how can we raise a baby who is already born with an amazing ability to react and adapt to an unfamiliar world so that he or she can grow up to be a well-rounded and emotionally stable person? By gaining a broad understanding of the existence of babies with scientifically proven and amazing abilities, you will find new ways to raise them to be happy and smart.
It consists of a total of five parts. Part 1 is 'First Steps Towards the World', which deals with the birth of a baby and its amazing motor development and sensory world, and Part 2 is 'The first step towards the world', which deals with the baby's cognitive development process, showing the baby's infinite potential from the moment of birth. 'The Birth of Baby Einstein', which analyzes babies' hidden abilities, Part 3, 'Attachment, the best gift from a mother', Part 4, which focuses on the attachment relationship between parents and babies, which is the most basic condition for creating a happy child. ‘The Amazing Secret of Language Acquisition’, which uncovers babies’ amazing language acquisition abilities discovered during the baby’s language development process; and finally, Part 5, ‘Keywords for Happy Parenting, Temperament’, which explains the factors that determine a child’s personality and temperament. It consists of:
Additionally, at the end of the book, a 'Baby Growth Diary' is included, a personalized growth diary for your baby that allows readers to directly check and record their child's growth process. 'My Baby's Growth and Development Checklist' that allows you to check your baby's growth and development status, ways to improve developmental abilities, sensory, motor, cognitive, language, behavior and social development information and recommended toys by age group It was loaded with games, books, etc. This is a must-have book for all parents who watch their child's mysterious growth.

To infinitely develop the baby's abilities, which can be sensed from the womb.
Everything moms need to know about baby growth

The parenting methods of a mother who properly understands the abilities and diversity of her baby and a mother who does not can be said to be completely different. Wise parenting begins with understanding your baby’s abilities.

▶Baby Growth Report 1_First step towards the world
At the moment of birth, the process of growth after birth with the minimum conditions for life activities is analyzed in relation to brain and motor development. In other words, babies are innately programmed to maintain life activities as humans, and grow according to their inherent programs without anyone teaching them.

▶Baby Growth Report 2_Birth of Baby Einstein
From birth, babies are born with the cognitive ability to explore the world and the ability to learn on their own. These abilities of a baby grow as they explore things around them on their own. Therefore, what a child needs most is not teaching, but providing opportunities to explore on their own. Although there are numerous gifted education programs and early childhood learning programs, what babies need most is a variety of experiences that will satisfy their curiosity.

▶Baby Growth Report 3_The best gift from mother, attachment
Attachment is a sense of trust that is formed between caregivers, primarily the mother and child, and is formed even before the baby is born. Since attachment becomes the basis for later school life and social relationships, the mother plays a role that has an absolute influence on the baby. Those who have formed a stable attachment relationship are more likely to form socially stable relationships and become leaders of their peer group, whereas those who have formed an insecure attachment are more likely to be unable to properly form interpersonal relationships or experience difficulties in forming relationships with others. . In other words, the attachment relationship with the mother formed as a baby becomes the basis for lifelong human relationships. In order to achieve stable attachment, you must have constant communication and contact with the child and respond immediately to what the child wants. The most important thing for children aged 0 to 3 is emotional stability, and this emotional development becomes the basis for cognitive development.

▶Baby Growth Report 4_The surprising secret of language acquisition
Babies are born with an amazing ability to acquire language. Around 12 months of age, when he has not learned to speak, he attempts to communicate using gestures unique to babies called baby signs. Afterwards, he learns words at a rapid pace due to his simple belief that there is only one word for each object. In order to help children effectively demonstrate their innate language learning ability, we need to provide a lot of auditory stimulation. Interacting with your baby by telling stories and reading books often and often has a huge impact on your child's language development.

▶Baby Growth Report 5_Keyword for happy parenting, temperament
Temperament is a child's innate nature and is as different as facial appearance. Temperament directly leads to personality, and even children with the same temperament can have different personalities depending on how their parents raise them. In other words, a child's personality and behavior can vary significantly depending on various environmental factors. Personality is formed through the influence of heredity and environment. Therefore, parents must properly understand their child's temperament and apply parenting methods appropriate for their child's temperament.

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