
Hang up your shoes

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.

  • Area: Creative fairy tales Foreign picture books
  • Age: 0-3 years
  • Composition: 19.0×22.0 cm / 16 pages
  • Shipping: Free shipping within the U.S. for 2 or more books
  • Publisher: Hallim Publishing

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SKU: 1300402282 Categories: , , ISBN: 9788970940571


Book introduction

A fun outing for a baby who is just starting to walk. The clumsy steps of a toddler are personified and expressed through children's shoes, depicting them in a fun and beautiful way.

White shoes with yellow ribbons are clattering forward. Shoes stomping quickly, raising the tips of the toes and hopping, hopping higher and higher. But I end up falling down in droves. Do not worry. You can meet brave shoes that stand up alone.

Publisher review

This is a book that personifies the clumsy steps of a baby who is toddling. It depicts the joyful outings of a baby who has just started walking in a fun and beautiful way, and shows children in an easy-to-understand way the many things they will experience as they begin to walk.

Author introduction

Author: Akiko Hayashi
Born in Tokyo, Japan. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University. He studied picture books by drawing pictures for the magazine 'Mom's Friend' (published by Fuku Inkan Shoten) and currently lives in Tokyo, Japan. In 1980, he won the 2nd Japan Picture Book Award for <What Day is Today?>, in 1983, he won the Sankei Children's Publishing Culture Award Art Award for <Bathing is Fun>, and in 1988, he won the French Picture Book Award for <I Can Go Camping Too>, 1990. In 1992 and XNUMX, <Eunji and Fluffy> won the Kangdamsa Publication Culture Award and the U.S. Reading-Magic Awards, respectively.
Green books include <Sooni and her Little Brother>, <My Little Brother in the Hospital>, <Iseul's First Errand>, <Today is the Day to Go on a Picnic>, <Don't Go Alone>, <Goodbye Moon>,

There are many such as <The Hand Got Out>, <Sweet Shoot>, <Hang Your Shoes>, <The Baby Goat Who Can Count to Ten>, <Paint in the Forest>, and <Leaf House in the Forest>.

media book review

Right foot left foot:

The only thing that appears in this book is a cute pair of baby shoes.
Those cute baby shoes walk, run, fall, get up and sleep.
Although the baby does not appear, the baby shoes clearly show the baby walking.
One beat rhythm, simple composition of eight scenes.
The baby shoes have a simple shape on a simple background.

However, it clearly depicts a baby going outside, walking, running, falling, waking up whining, and then falling asleep from exhaustion.
Although the shoes look simple, they reflect the baby's expression at that moment.

The sentences are clear and have a sense of rhythm.
Because the text and pictures match perfectly, babies enjoy it even more when you open the book and read it to them. As my eyes follow the shoes, the cheerful rhythm of the writing seems to make it even more exciting.
In addition, walking, running, falling, waking up whining, and then falling asleep from exhaustion are the most important tasks for babies who have just started walking, so they are even more excited.
I would like to recommend this book to children who are learning to walk and want to go outside.

Product information

Weight 5 lbs


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