
Folk Tales from Korea (Hardcover)

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $23.00.

영역: 전래 (영어로 씌어진 한국서적)
연령: 한국에 관심있는 청소년이상
구성: 양장본 | 258쪽 | 216*145mm
배송: 단행본 두권이상 미국내 무료배송

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His book is sure to arouse the keen interest of the general reading public. While the scholar will be able to collect further information from the detailed introduction and the carefully worked out indexes, the main part of the book has on purpose been kept free from any learned apparatus so as to enable the reader to do justice to the primary purpose of all tales. They are told to be enjoyed. I very much hope that the present collection will give joy to the general reader as I am sure it has been a source of permanent joy to the compiler.” From the Foreward by Prof. W. Simon –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.